Archive for the movies Category

I Heart Netflix

Posted in crap, family, kidlets, movies, random on September 19, 2008 by brandyv

I am so loving my Netflix subscription lately.  My hubby and daughter have been picking some really great movies lately (I have a bunch on our “list” but somehow they keep getting lower and lower on the list).  I am not complaining, just wanting to give props to the pickers.  In the last few weeks, we have watched:

Idiocracy- a great Luke Wilson straight to DVD movie about an average Joe who is frozen for 500 years and when he wakes up, he’s the smartest man on the planet.  It describes the dumbing down of our society and how we would probably look in 500 years if we aren’t careful.  It also has great quotes (It has electrolytes,  it’s got what plants crave, go away…Batin’) to be used quite frequently around our house.

Charlie Bartlett- Charlie is kicked out of another private school and mom decides to send him to public school.  He still wears his private school uniform, and gets his ass kicked the first day of school.  Charlie’s family has a shrink on call and provides Charlie with a smorgasboard of drugs to treat his growing list of symptoms….all fake, since Charlie is then selling the drugs and his advice in the boy’s restroom stall.  You would think that since all this is some heavy subject matter that the story would have a bad ending, but it stays pretty light.  The kids and parents in this movie are all played by great actors (Robert Downey Jr is the alcoholic principal), and all is well in the end for Charlie and his friends.

Little Miss Sunshine- What can I say, we were a little behind on this one.  I remember all the hype about it from the Oscars and Sundance, which to be honest was the reason I skipped over it a few times, but now that I have actually seen it (and laughed and cried through it twice), I have decided all the hype was definitely deserved.  A hilarious family, with everyone having issues, travels from New Mexico to California so that the youngest, Olive, can enter the Little Miss Sunshine beauty contest.  On the trip, they encounter many obsticals, but they manage to get everyone there in one piece, more or or less (can’t say any more without giving out huge plot lines).  This is a great movie to watch if you need a little reminder that YOUR life ain’t so bad.

Garden State is our newest pick.  We are saving it or Sunday, since we all have busywork tomorrow.  I love Zach Braff (Scrubs), and have been waiting for this movie.  I’ll let ya’ll know how it was after Sunday.

Have a great weekend!